Tag Archives: haiku

Haiku #Connecticut

Bumblebee buzzing,
Friendless stranger in the rain,
No nectar to eat.

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Haiku – NaPoWriMo #9-13

Dear Reader,

A lot has happened to me as of late: experienced a repossession, opened a show, had some mind expansion and some good growth. Life has been challenging of late and writing has not been something I was able to focus on every day, but that’s changed. Below is the account I have for the last five days, my offering for the Challenge Numbers. I have tried to maintain the traditional theme of nature in them, though my definition of “nature” may be broad.

Hope you enjoy,

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Haiku – NaPoWriMo #6

In this heart beats now
Love married to frustration:
It needs be annulled.

A straight answer would
Paint yourself a stronger man:
You could just say “no.”

Live Theater
Rehearsed for a month,
On opening night is when
The major prop breaks.


Pulse barely there now,
The pills went down well with juice,
Sleep will take me soon.


Dead leaves on the dirt,
Shady canvases for ants,
Insects have it made.